The activity and the Business purpose of the " Geostrategic World Observatory INC." is in keeping with the Legislation and the Law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

On this matter you can consult the letter of October 09 th, 2001 of the Ministry of Middle Classes of the Tourism and the Accommodation , thanks to the following link :

  • " Letter of October 09 th, 2001 of the Ministry of Middle Classes of the Tourism and the Accommodation "
    " Letter of October 09 th, 2001 of the Ministry of Middle Classes of the Tourism and the Accommodation "

    But you can also consult the mail of July 24th, 2001 of the Ministry of Culture, the Higher Education and the Research thanks to the following link :

  • " Letter of July 24 th, 2001 of the Ministry of Culture, the Higher Education and the Research "
    " Letter of July 24 th, 2001 of the Ministry of Culture, the Higher Education and the Research "

    For quite other information , thank you for consulting the Portal of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , thanks to the following link :


    Dr. Marc LAMBINET, Ph.D

    Last up dated January 21 st , 2024