YEAR 2009

This beginning of year 2009 records increasing imbalance both from the point of view of the world Economy and on that of the political domain, this one dependent inevitably on the first one.

The financial and stock-exchange activity knows numerous turbulences as a result of the breaks of balance, not since August-September on 2008, but well before: it is because the face is similar of " the iceberg ".

No situation is the fruit of the fate, especially from the point of view of the Economy, of the Employment and of the Unemployment ... . So, in spite of very numerous redundancies, dismissals, closures of activities even of relocations, solutions exist !

It is a which imagined several years ago, it is to be said in 1991, was organized in 1993 and is always operational, mentioned " the Occupational integration in Network System ".

Certificate UQAR 1992
No doubt that sooner or later, the various problems with which we are at present confronted will see their solutions, it is one of reasons of the creation and the existence of the ASSOCIATION of DOCUMENTATION for the ENGINEERS of SEARCHES and STUDIES - A.D.I.R.E./A.D.R.D.E.

April 15th, 2009
Administrateur Unique
Observatoire Mondial Géostratégique S.A. Luxembourg